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Anti-corruption policy indicates the maturity of the political system in conditions of uncertainty. In times of war, anti-corruption principles and mechanisms become decisive for achieving victory over the enemy and successfully reviving the state. According to the authors, Ukraine should urgently resolve corruption issues in such sectors (institutions) as health care, judiciary, prosecutor’s office and law enforcement agencies, customs and tax service, state regulation of the economy and interaction between the state and the private sector, and activities of political parties. Moreover, in conditions of Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine, solving corruption issues in the defence sector and preventing corruption in state-owned enterprises, considering the significant damage caused by corruption in this sector, is of primary importance.
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Utwór dostępny jest na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowe.
- Corruption Schemes: Their Criminal Law and Legal Qualification and Pre-trial Investigation, ed. Mykola Khavroniuk. Kyiv, 2019.
- Dudorov Oleksandr, „Generalization of judicial practice in cases of administrative offences related to corruption (Articles 172-4–172-9 of the Code of Administrative Offences)” [In Ukr.] Centre of Policy and Legal Reform, 2019.
- Institute for Economics & Peace, Peace and Corruption 2015 (Report), 2023.
- MacLachlan Karolina, „The Fifth Column. Understanding the relationship between corruption and conflict” Transparency International UK, July 2017.
- Nagornyak Tetyana, Nataliia Natalina, Mykola Polovyi, „Political Subjectivity in the Conditions of New World Order Formation” Politology bulletin, No. 87 (2021): 218-240.
- Sandholtz Wayne, Rein Taagepera, „Corruption, Culture, and Communism” International Review of Sociology, No. 15:1 (2005): 109-131. https://doi/org/10.1080/03906700500038678.
- World Bank, World Development Report 2011: Conflict, Security, and Development.
Corruption Schemes: Their Criminal Law and Legal Qualification and Pre-trial Investigation, ed. Mykola Khavroniuk. Kyiv, 2019.
Dudorov Oleksandr, „Generalization of judicial practice in cases of administrative offences related to corruption (Articles 172-4–172-9 of the Code of Administrative Offences)” [In Ukr.] Centre of Policy and Legal Reform, 2019.
Institute for Economics & Peace, Peace and Corruption 2015 (Report), 2023.
MacLachlan Karolina, „The Fifth Column. Understanding the relationship between corruption and conflict” Transparency International UK, July 2017.
Nagornyak Tetyana, Nataliia Natalina, Mykola Polovyi, „Political Subjectivity in the Conditions of New World Order Formation” Politology bulletin, No. 87 (2021): 218-240.
Sandholtz Wayne, Rein Taagepera, „Corruption, Culture, and Communism” International Review of Sociology, No. 15:1 (2005): 109-131. https://doi/org/10.1080/03906700500038678.
World Bank, World Development Report 2011: Conflict, Security, and Development.