Treść głównego artykułu


The paper is intended to provide a concise analysis of the origins of modern legal rights created during one of the most momentous upheavals in religious and social life - the French Revolution. It presents the processes and conditions for the creation of some of the most important legal rules of the early modern period. The paper highlights a paradox - a well-ordered legal system that emerged from a turbulent and bloody revolution. Not to mention another paradox: the revolution took place in the Age of Enlightenment and was led by people who represented that very humanistic trend. Experts in the field note that the French Revolution was an ongoing process, not a sequence of events in a particular period beginning in 1789. The expression of this process is shaping new legal rights such as abortion law, same-sex marriage law, and many others.

Słowa kluczowe

legal rights the French Revolution Code Civil codification legal rights, the French Revolution, Code Civil, codification

Szczegóły artykułu


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